Bankruptcy and Debtor/Creditor: Examples and Explanations (Examples & Explanations Series)

Price 38.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780735528093

To keep pace with the recent major changes in bankruptcy law, noted author Brian Blum presents a completely revised edition of his popular study guide, BANKRUPCTY AND DEBTOR/CREDITOR: Examples & Explanations. This comprehensive paperback is well known for its effectiveness in helping students understand the many rules, principles, and policies of the area. The book earns the loyalty of both students and instructors for its: distinguished authorship from Brian Blum, who has written other successful titles in the Examples & Explanations Series and is a recognized master of the method time-tested examples and explanations that clarify potentially confusing material exceptionally clear and engaging writing organization and coverage that tracks the leading casebooks in Bankruptcy and Debtor/Creditor Law problems that allow students to test their understanding of the law The Fourth Edition responds to the 2005 Bankruptcy Act: the Fourth Edition will be updated to reflect changes in bankruptcy law since 2004, and will concentrate particularly on changes made by the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. the entire text is revised to correspond to current practice new and updated examples and explanations focus on areas of change new cases illustrate key points BANKRUPTCY AND DEBTOR/CREDITOR LAW: Examples & Explanations, Fourth Edition, provides the extra help students need to master fundamental concepts in this dynamic area. Be sure to recommend this timely and dependable study guide to your next class.