Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments - Volume 2: Physical and Geochemical Methods (DEVELOPMENTS IN PALEOENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Volume 2)
Price 155.40 - 179.00 USD
This second volume in the Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research series deals mainly with physical and geochemical analytical techniques used in paleolimnology. Other volumes deal with the acquisition and archiving of cores, chronological techniques, and large-scale basin analysis methods (Volume 1), biological techniques (Volumes 3 & 4), and statistical and data handling methods (Volume 5). These monographs provide sufficient detail and breadth to be useful handbooks for both seasoned practitioners as well as newcomers to the area of paleolimnology. Although the chapters in these volumes target mainly lacustrine settings, many of the techniques described can also be readily applied to fluvial, glacial, marine, estuarine, and peatland environments.