Blue Electric Dusk

Price 19.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780987559814

Brand Numen Books

"Reflecting ten years of work, Blue Electric Dusk is an eclectic collection of rhyme and rhythm. James W.F. Roberts, a self-described poetry addict, delivers his voice in shouts and whispers with the use of language allowing the reader to move beyond the written word into the visual landscape and to journey inside the reflection of a writer"s thought and view of contemporary society. In these pages, Roberts shares the passion and eroticism of relationships, the pain of death, and the transformative power of love. He is ever patient in his observations and open to the teachings contained in the smallest moments." - Catherine Zickgraf, Catherine the Great, Performance Poet. Augustus, Georgia. "Blue Electric Dusk" is a collection electric with questions in an ever-indifferent world. From echoes of lost love to incisive social observation, the words spin across the page in images equally dark as they are richly colourful." - Amanda Anastasi.Twice winner and 2013 judge of the Williamstown Literary Festival"s Ada Cambridge Poetry Prize. Her collection, 2012 and Other Poems, was named in Ali Alizadeh"s "Best Poetic Works of 2012" in Overland. Blue Electric Dusk, 81 poems and ten years in the making. Poems about love, loss, sex, desire, desperation, addiction, abuse, murder, spiritual decay, prophetic visions of the end of days, discovering your sexual identity, facing up to the zombie cultural zeitgeist of the new millennium and so much more. This is not poetry for the faint of heart. This is poetry that grabs you by the throat and takes you on a ride beyond the mundane and corporeal and leaves you somewhere between a nightmare world, the squalor of an opium den in the inner city and the profound. James WF Roberts only started writing ten years ago and already he has come a long way with several international publications under his belt, good reputation developing on the poetry stages of Melbourne and regional Victoria and good showings in several major competitions over the last few years, Runner-up Page Seventeen 2012 Poetry Prize, Short-listed for the Fermoy International Poetry Festival 2012 and Highly Commended for the John Shaw Nielson Prize, Fellowship of Australian writers, 2009/10. Other publications of note included: Melpomene, Numen Books, 2012, Spirit of Poe Anthology (USA), Verandah twenty-six (Deakin Uni) Song of Sahel (multimedia Kindle African Drought relief. Plum-tree books). Double Honours degree in Philosophy and Religious Studies/Literature, Art and film. Since 2007 Roberts" poetry has been shared with the world over the internet on my radio show on