California Community Property Examples & Explanations
Price 43.95 USD
Using the Examples & Explanations pedagogy and FITS (Funds, Intentions, and Title)—an original tool for understanding the complexities of California Community Property—Charlotte Goldberg presents an effective and timely overview of California’s community property system. FITS (Funds, Intentions, and Title)—a class-tested, unique tool for determining, under California law, whether marital property is to be considered community or separate property The FITS acronym helps students to understand the roles that funds, intentions, and titles play in characterizing property as either separate or community the proven-effective Examples & Explanations pedagogy combines straightforward introductions with well-written examples and explanations that apply concepts, reinforce learning, and test understanding of material covered meticulous treatment of joint titles and reimbursement, featuring examples thoroughly illustrating all possible scenarios, including retroactivity coverage of tangible and intangible property, such as businesses, educational degrees, goodwill, and pensions premarital agreements and recent amendments to the Premarital Agreement Act Updated throughout and with many new examples, the Second Edition features: major developments regarding retroactivity of the Family Code—affecting premarital agreements, fiduciary duty, and domestic partnerships several new cases clarifying premarital agreements and fiduciary duty new case decision regarding celebrity goodwill coverage of Family Code §4 and §2640(c) Designed and written for the needs of students, Examples & Explanations: California Community Property, now in a Second Edition, combines the time-tested E&E pedagogy with a class-tested tool of analysis that makes an enormous difference in the depth and quality of students’ understanding of California community property law.