Crime Scene Analysis: Practical Procedures and Techniques

Price 73.41 - 100.40 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780131191310

Reveals the latest methods of investigation in an easy-to-use field reference format. It is intended for the non-scientist or beginning forensic scientist and addresses how to, when to, and in what order to use the procedures to one’s best advantage. Using a clear, step-by-step approach, readers learn how to conduct specific tasks, alternatives to try when the original technique is not viable and safety concerns that should be considered when working in the field. Moves beyond traditional books to function as a how-to manual for the field investigator. Explains field procedures, not theoryand targets the crime scene investigator instead of the laboratory criminalist. Places the emphasis on techniques used in the field and then when logical, discusses further techniques used once the evidence is taken from the scene. Gives a logical order for each procedure, including a starting point and what to do when that technique is not working. Written specifically for crime scene investigators.