The Complete Book of the Dead of Hunefer: A Papyrus Pullout

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780714119946

This is an ancient "Egyptian Book of the Dead" papyrus, reproduced in its entire length as a pullout illustration. The whole papyrus published for the first time in its original continuous form. It takes children up close to a real "Egyptian Book of the Dead". Hunefers papyrus includes beautiful and detailed coloured pictures of scenes from the afterlife Ideal for children studying Ancient Egypt at school. It is published to accompany a major British Museum exhibition (4 November 2010 6 March 2011). Hunefer was a Royal Scribe, who lived in Thebes in Egypt around 1280 BC. Like other ancient Egyptians, he hoped that when he died he would be admitted to a wonderful afterlife. But many dangers and obstacles could stop you from moving successfully between the land of the living and the land of the dead. The solution was to take with you a collection of magical spells (popularly known today as a "Book of the Dead"), which would give you special powers to overcome the trials and horrors you might encounter on your journey. The papyrus scroll reproduced as a pull-out in this little book contains Hunefers personal selection of spells and it was buried with him. The spells are written out in vertical lines of hieroglyphs and some are accompanied by beautiful painted scenes, illustrating various important stages that Hunefer must reach, including a final judgement, before enjoying an eternal life. The original papyrus is 39 cm tall and 5.5 m long. It now exists as eight separate sections rather than a continuous scroll. It is published here for the first time in the form that Hunefer knew over three thousand years ago. The pullout image is accompanied by a short introductory text. The Author Richard Parkinson is a curator of Egyptian antiquities at the British Museum.