Kaplan PMBR FINALS: Remedies: Core Concepts and Key Questions

Price 27.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781607141006

The Kaplan PMBR FINALS Series is designed to provide students with all the ammunition needed to succeed on their law school exams. Unlike other commercial outline series, Kaplan PMBR FINALS: Remedies features several integrated sections: substantive course outlines, question summary outlines, detailed practice questions, and fully detailed explanatory answers. Kaplan PMBR FINALS: Remedies contains three types of questions of varying difficulty. The True/False questions merely require the student to know the black letter of the law. The multiple choice questions require knowledge of the black letter law and some legal reasoning skills. The essay questions require deep thought and extensive legal reasoning. Reviewing the questions will help you prepare for your exams and will assist you in understanding the black letter law.