Ore Textures: Recognition and Interpretation

Price 145.70 - 179.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783642017827

Brand Springer

Understanding ore textures is fundamental to understanding the genesis of an ore deposit, which in turn allows exploration and mining geologists to build their conceptual understanding of the deposits they encounter and leads to more successful exploration and exploitation. This book is specifically designed for the field geologist working without the benefits of sophisticated chemical, mineralogical or petrological support. It covers the basic building blocks of textural recognition beginning with infill (direct precipitation from hydrothermal fluids into "cavities"), alteration (the results of hydrothermal fluid reactions with wall rocks) and overprinting (the normal complexity caused by successive introduction of hydrothermal fluids usually accompanied or preceded by renewed fracturing) and ends with a detailed examination of textures associated with tectonic and intrusive breccias.