The Thirteen Principal Upanishads (Classic Reprint)
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PREFACE IN the LONG history of man"s endeavor to grasp the fundamental truths of being, the metaphysical tieatiscs known as the Upanishads1 hold an honored place. They represent the earnest efforts of the profound thinkers of early India to .solve the problems of the origin, the nature, and the destiny of man and of the universe, or-more technically-the meaning and value of " knowing" and " being." Though they contain some fanciful ideas, naive speculations, and inadequate conclusions, yet they arc replete with sublime conceptions and u ith intuitions of universal truth.2 Here are found intimations of the inadequacy of mere nature-worship and of the falsity of an empty ceremonialism. Here are expie.ssed the momentous discoveries that the various gods of polytheistic belief are but numerous special manifestations of the One Power of the universe, and that the supreme object of worship is this variously revealed, paiti."illy elusive, all-comprehending unitary Reality.) Still more Table of Contents CONTENTS; PREFC"E; RElLRK~ CONChRNJNG T[lE TRN"SLATION: ITS; lIETIl()l) ND ARRANGE! IENT; Ll~T OF AmHU!VIATIONS; AN OUTLINE OF TIlE PHILOSOPIlY OF TIlE; UPNISllA])S •; ]~RIIT1)-ARA1VAKA UPAN1SIIAD •; CIIAN DOG"" A UPANISHAD; "TlTTrRIYA UPANISHAD; l ITAHI":YA U PNISITAD; KAUSllITAKl UPANHiUAD; KENA UPANISIIAD; K~TIL UI"KISIIiI>; Is LTl"NISliAD; liJ:U];D"K U 1": NIf"I1AD •; PRASNA UPANISHAD; l"!;::-:OUKVA UPANISHAD; SVETA~VATARA UPANISIIAD; 11AITkI UPANISHAD; PAGE; vii; xu; xv; I; 73; 177; 275; 294; 302; 335; 34l; 362; 366; , 378; 391; 394; 412; A BIHl IOGRAI"IIY OF THE UPANISHADS,; SlEX • 50"); GENERAL INDEX • 514 About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten