1 Pitch Warrior Mental Toughness Training System
Price 26.96 - 29.95 USD
Written by Coach Justin Dehmer, Former Martensdale-St. Marys High School Baseball Coach 88 Wins in a Row (2nd Longest Streak in HS Baseball History) 3-Time State Champions 2010, 2011, 2012 3-Time State Coach of the Year 2010, 2011, 2012 1 Pitch Warrior – Guide to Mental Toughness is the key to unlocking your full potential as a player or a coach. Not only do the things provided in this book allow you to find your true potential on the field, but I am confident that they will enrich your life off the field as well. Being a 1 Pitch Warrior is about much more than winning on the baseball field, it is about winning the day, making the most out opportunities that come your way good or bad. It’s about learning how to respond to adversity and handle anything that baseball or life has to throw at you. Within this book you will learn many systems of success including the 5 P’s of Primetime Programs. Playing for the present and trying to win each pitch is broken down in great detail so you will actually learn a cyclical process by which you can help ensure that you’re playing the game as a 1 Pitch Warrior. You will learn about measuring performance on skills and strategies that have meaning and that matter far more than just the basics like averages, RBIs, wins, etc. Topics will include: B.A.S.E.2., A3P, Quality At-Bats, Quality Innings, and others. The last part of the book is dedicated to developing a vocabulary among your coaching staff and players so that you all use the same language in defining what it means to be a 1 Pitch Warrior. These terms can be discussed at practice or assigned as daily reading for your players before practice. Whether you are a veteran coach seeking that first state title or a high school player trying to make the varsity, there is something for everyone in the book. The 1 Pitch Warrior Mentality is for anyone who wants to attack life and live in the moment. Remember that the past is history, the future is a mystery; we call it the “present” because it is a gift. Here’s to unwrapping the moments in life that you desire but have yet to experience. Good luck on your journey as a 1 Pitch Warrior!