Blackjack: A Winner\"s Handbook
Price 13.00 USD
Here"s what Blackjack: A Winner"s Handbook will do for you: * Reveal new information about the automatic shuffling machines, both the two-shoe type and the continuous shufflers, including a proven winning system * Disclose that card counting does not always work and describe what you can do to avoid losing. * Describe Count Profiles: A Bold New Strategy For Beating The Shoe Game. * Show you how to choose an honest and fair Internet Casino for play. * Enable you to get an edge at Internet Casinos before your first hand is dealt. * Show you how to cull usable information from the thousands of blackjack web sites on the Internet. * Teach you how to play the game (if you are a beginning player) and show you a simple basic strategy for playing each and every blackjack hand to maximize your gain and minimize your loss. * Show you how to manage your gambling money so you’re always in control, whether you’re a beginner or advanced player. * Provide a 5-step strategy for learning how to develop and use mental discipline to avoid losing and to increase your winning edge. * Explain table biases caused by the casinos’ non-random shuffle, how to avoid the dealer biases and how to turn the player biases to your advantage. * Provide you with a non-count strategy that minimizes losses while enabling you to score in those games where the dealer is breaking and the players are winning. * Give you a complete home practice program including learning drills for basic strategy players and card counters. * Tell you stories of team blackjack and teach you how to use team-play techniques to multiply your profits. * Reveal extremely useful information for those blackjack players considering playing the game to make a living.