Les Tuniques Rouges dans la Prairie (Red Coats on the Prairie - French

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781894022026

French translation; Here is the real story, the incredible adventures, the daunting hardships, the personal and political scandals, the rigorous training, the frontier morals and mores. Using original source material and documents, RCMP historians Beahen and Horrall cut through the romantic fantasies to expose the real heroes. They examine the social background of the men, their living conditions, indiscretions, health, habits, discipline, benefits and marital relations. They document the influential role of the NWMP on the political, social and cultural life of the developing western community. An accurate account and a compelling read, Red Coats, shows how the image of the mounties took shape on the prairies. 81/2" x 11"; 61 period photographs; hard cover