Machine Age to Jet Age, Vol. 2: Radiomania\"s Guide to Tabletop Radios 1930-1959, with Market Values)

Price 28.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780964795310

Machine Age to Jet Age is a continuing series which documents, pictures and provides market values for collectible vintage radios. Each volume is a supplement/companion to the others in the series, with all different items in each. Radios are individually pictured, described and valued, and are organized by manufacturer and model number. This series has become the most widely used and referenced resource of its type in the vintage radio collecting hobby. There are currently two volumes available with Volume 3 to be available in September, 1999. Volume Two of the series covers the period 1930-1959 and individually pictures, describes and values over 2,700 tabletop radios. The years 1930-1932 have been added to the scope of the series so as to encompass cathedral type radios which dominated during these years. Volume Two also includes over 190 color plates with sections on different varieties of cabinets (i.e., catalin, bakelite, plaskon, beetle, chrome grilles, etc.). In addition, the narrative provides useful information about collecting on the internet, categorizing and valuing vintage radios, clubs and events, and many hobbyist resources. 8.5" X 11" format. 368 pages.