Science Under Siege: Defending Science, Exposing Pseudoscience

Price 15.90 - 21.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781591027157

For more than thirty years, The Skeptical Inquirer has steadfastly championed science and reason and been the leading voice for reliable scientific examination of the paranormal and other questionable claims popularized by the media and mass culture. In this new collection of outstanding recent articles, editor Kendrick Frazier has selected some of the best writing on topics of current interest. Among the highlights are: "A Skeptical Look at September 11th" which prompted a drove of responses (many angry) and was selected by Richard Dawkins for the Best Science and Nature Writing of 2003. Carl Sagan’s final question-and-answer piece on the topic of science and skeptical inquiry. Ann Druyan’s beautifully expressed "Science, Religion, Wonder, and Awe." NASA scientist Stuart Jordan’s excellent appraisal of the scientific evidence for global warming, which prompted much critical response and led to another follow-up article. Five articles on the evolution vs. intelligent design controversy Two physicians’ articles that strongly defend the value of vaccinations and critique the anti-vaccination movement Other distinguished contributors include Mario Bunge, Martin Gardner, Ray Hyman, Paul Kurtz, Chris Mooney, Joe Nickell, Stephen Pinker, and many others. This excellent collection of stimulating articles exploring science and skeptical inquiry, public controversies, and investigating pseudoscientific claims is a must for scientists, educators, skeptics, and everyone concerned about scientific literacy.