Weed Management in Wheat: Efficacy of herbicides in wheat
Price 62.86 - 69.79 USD
Infestation of wheat crop with weeds is one of the major reasons for low productivity of wheat. With an increase charges as well as timely unavailability of labour in peak period and crops susceptibility to weed competition there is a need of hour to go for chemical weed control with their proper recommendation. Experimental site constituted by monocot weeds viz., Brachiaria serrata Echinochloa colonam L. Cav. dicot weeds viz., Amaranthus viridis, Digeria arvensis Chenopodium album and Euphorbia hirta L. and sedges viz., Cyperus rotundus L.. Weed free condition and integration of pendimethalin pre emergence, metsulfuron-methyl, 2,4-D amine salt and clodinafop post em. with one or two hand weedings at 25-30 or 35-40 DAS proved effective in reducing total weed density and dry weight of weeds and recorded significantly highest uptake of N, P and K by crop and lowest uptake by weeds. After treatment weed free the next following treatment was pendimethalin pre emergence + one hand weeding @ 40 DAS produces highest yields and nutrient uptake by crop and lowest nutrient uptake by weeds.