Doing Math in Morning Meeting: 150 Quick Activities That Connect to Your Curriculum
Price 21.60 - 25.00 USD
Bring joy and energy to math learning without adding to your already-packed schedule! 150 fun and engaging math activities for kindergartners to 5th graders: guessing games, songs, chants, hands-on experiments, and more.Get math-themed ideas for all four Morning Meeting components: greeting, group activity, sharing, and morning message. Includes an appendix that shows how the activities in Doing Math in Morning Meeting correlate with Common Core standards and practices for mathematics.Each activity includes:Easy how-to stepsThe Morning Meeting component in which to use the activityRelevant NCTM content and process standardsSpecific math skills addressedMaterials needed (all require few or no materials)Tips on preparing students for successMath vocabulary to emphasizeVariations and extensions