All the People in the Bible: An A-Z Guide to the Saints, Scoundrels, and Other Characters in Scripture

Price 19.83 - 26.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780802824547

All the People in the Bible really delivers on its title: youll find literally all of the Bibles characters in this comprehensive and fascinating reference work. From the first entry on Aaron to the final entry covering Zopar, Richard Losch details each person in a lively narrative style that will have readers sticking around page after page. The bulk of the work is made up of entries covering familiar and not-so-familiar figures found in Scripture. However, unlike most collections of this kind, the focus falls more on expanding our knowledge about the lesser characters. Losch explains that so very much has been written about the luminaries of Scripture that he chose to focus instead on those who are less well known and on some of the less familiar aspects of well-known characters lives. Loschs new and intriguing look at all the people in the Bible is anything but a dry reference work. This is a book to dip into and enjoy over and over.