The Thyroid Crisis and the Seaweed Remedy
Price 11.95 USD
Did you know, about a food that can help our bodies prevent absorption of toxic nuclear emissions, and help prevent thyroid disorders? Did you know, that this same food, can help de-tox the dioxins and PCBs that are already in the system of every single person? Do you believe, that this same food, can also help balance your hormones, smooth skin and reduce under-eye-puffiness, effectively? This superfood, is the humble seaweed. The Thyroid Crisis and the Seaweed Remedy starts out with the author"s own lifestyle changes that led up to a thyroid disorder, and how seaweed provided multi-faceted help. Thyroid cancer is the number one fastest growing cancer among American women and men. Of the estimated 13 million Americans affected by thyroid disease, more than half are unaware of their condition, and since the symptoms are subtle, they may not be diagnosed for years. Seaweed is the only food source for the essential mineral that supports thyroid health--iodine. The Thyroid Crisis and the Seaweed Remedy is a manual that helps tie-in current health and environmental issues with practical, and affordable advice, offering dozens of easy-to-follow, delicious recipes on how to tackle this inexpensive, versatile, nutrient-packed, but relatively un-known food.