Essential IDL: Interface Design for COM (The DevelopMentor Series)
Price 39.95 USD
Virtually all COM projects should begin with IDL, because defining interfaces is the key to successfully designing any COM project. Essential IDL is the first book that focuses entirely on IDL, providing in-depth explanations of both the language and its applications. Essential IDL starts by explaining why IDL exists, what it is for, and what can be done with it. All aspects of IDL syntax are covered: basic interface definition, complex data types, array handling, marshalling issues, and more. From start to finish, the focus is pragmatic. Expert COM developer Martin Gudgin presents extensive IDL code samples and resulting C++, Java, and VB language mappings, demonstrating exactly how to use IDL constructs sensibly and efficiently in both client-side and server-side projects. Gudgin takes a top-down approach, starting with interfaces, then drilling down into simple data types, complex types, pointers and arrays; and finishing with aliasing and other esoteric IDL constructs. The second half of the book is a complete reference guide to all of IDL"s data types, modifiers, keywords and attributes.