Tao Te Ching

Price 21.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780764121685

The Tao Te Ching is a classic work of ancient Chinese philosophy. It has been translated into virtually every written language in the world, with more than 60 versions existing in English alone. This brand-new translation with modern commentary by a student of Eastern Asian culture is of unusual value in that it reflects recent manuscript discoveries in China. Examined in light of modern scholarship methods, the discoveries suggest that previous translations of this seminal philosophical work are wrong in several important details. Stephen Hodge"s commentaries explore the Tao Te Ching by placing its concepts and observations in the context of ancient Chinese culture, and then pointing out the philosophy"s key ideas as they relate to the lives of men and women today. In discussing the limitations of words and language, he emphasizes our need to go beyond words in our quest for universal truths. The philosophical work"s traditional 81 short chapters are arranged thematically, and are supplemented with commentary that explains both the ancient and modern significance of each text. More than 100 photographs complement the text with scenes of natural peace and serenity.