Elder Law: Cases and Materials
The Fourth Edition of Elder Law integrates new developments in law and policy into the familiar framework of past editions. A mix of the specific and the general, the book examines the response of our society to an aging population, the legal rights of the elderly, and the legal, economic, and health challenges of the elderly. The authors use carefully edited classic and new cases, excerpts from the experts, and descriptive commentary to challenge and instruct students. Questions and problems provide the instructor an opportunity to query students and expand their understanding of the material. The perspectives of legal practice and legislative development receive due attention in chapters that cover income and employment, housing and supportive services, nursing home quality and costs, substitute health and final decision making, and elders and crime. The broad scope of the book builds on foundational legal education in property rights, civil and human rights, and government action, while permitting the teacher the opportunity to supplement or expand upon the material.