Car CAN OBDII Auto Window Closer Open Controller
Price 16.55 USD
1. Close the car window/s automatically after lock the car --- After park the car and lock the car with remote, it closes the window/s (Max. 4 windows) automatically and simultaneously * 2. Remote open/close car window/s ---- You can use remote to open/close window/s. Push unlock-lock-unlock buttons of remote, it rolls down the window/s, then push the "lock" button once, it rises and closes them. * After park your car, take out the remote, close the door and push the "lock" button. If you forget closing the windows, the window closer rises and closes them automatically. * In hot Summer day, inside the car, it is full of hot air after the car is parked for some time, Simply push the "unlock" buttons three times, all the four windows open to dissipate the heat, no need to open the door, no need to endure the extremely hot air inside car. * After you lock the doors, you find your belongings is left inside your car, simply push the "unlock" buttons three times, all the windows open, you can take out them from the open windows, then push the "lock" buttons three times to close them, No need to open the doors, no need to waist your time if you are in a rush.