Life These Days: Stories from Lake Wobegon
Price 18.95 USD
Winner of Publishers Weekly Listen Up Award for Best Short Stories Wherever Garrison Keillor"s imagination takes him, the road back to Lake Wobegon is always a delightful one. His story collections about "the little town that time forgot" are his most popular; this Lake Wobegon collection features 11 wonderful stories recorded from live radio broadcasts of A Prairie Home Companion. Life these days in Lake Wobegon means shirtsleeve autumns and late-starting winters. Meanwhile, a bus full of Lutheran men attends the Risk Takers convention in Minneapolis to do the unthinkable: express their emotions. Pastor Ingqvist interviews for a job at the Mall of America. The Ingqvists" elderly dog discovers the fountain of youth. The website for the World"s Largest Pile of Burlap Bags (www.wlpbb) opens a window on Lake Wobegon to the world. And as a special bonus, Life These Days includes a never-before-available Keillor short story, "Spring." Contents: Gladys Hits A Raccoon; The World"s Largest Pile; My Cousin Rose; The Risk Takers; Pastor Ingqvist at the Mall; Hunting Stories; Sorrows of January; Clarence Cleans His Roof; Miracle of the Pastor"s Dog; War of the Krebsbachs; Graduation