Web Publishing With Activex Controls
Price 39.99 USD
Web Publishing with ActiveX Controls is a practical, information-packed book that will teach Web masters and designers how they can use ActiveX technology to make their Web sites better. The book emphasizes using Microsoft Internet Explorer"s native ActiveX interface and built-in controls and the core technologies that go with them: HTML, VBScript, ActiveX Layouts, and cascading style sheets. The guide assumes that you know HTML and are willing to tackle scripting seriously, but it doesn"t demand that you become a Visual Basic or C wizard. Most of the book is devoted to using VBScript within an ActiveX environment. A solid chapter on cascading style sheets as implemented by Internet Explorer demystifies this straightforward tool and gives useful examples that you can adapt. Other chapters cover the ActiveX Control Pad, Microsoft"s free visual tool for adding controls to Web pages; the use of frames; and the use of third-party controls for special effects. The bundled CD-ROM includes the book"s example code, an image map utility, an HTML editor, and an FTP client. Web Publishing with ActiveX Controls is not a good choice if you"re interested in the rocket-science, client/server aspects of ActiveX, but it"s a strong pick if you want to learn what you can do on the client side of the Web equation.