Ultimate Lego Book (Lego Modellers)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780751359480

This book presents LEGO sculptures and buildings from around the world, from life-sized dinosaurs to a time machine, to Einstein"s head, five metres tall. In it, you can watch some of the world"s most incredible buildings being built, step by step: the Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower, the Sydney Opera House and others. They have all been photographed in progress,the modellers interviewed and photographs and key facts from LEGO archives have been used. The book includes the story of the development and growth of the LEGO company, product and philosophy, the inside story of the LEGOLAND parks, the planning and building of the new park at Carlsbad in California and the creative secrets of its builders. Discover how artists and designers have been inspired by LEGO and learn how to make your own LEGO sculptures: a deckchair, Mardi Gras outfits, your own mosaic and a dog thats sits up or lies down for you.