Abdominal Sonography CD-ROM Mock Exam
Price 77.16 - 89.95 USD
CD-ROM Mock Exam for Abdominal Sonography Version 3.0Cindy A. Owen, RT, RVT, RDMS Edward G. Grant, MD Exam: Abdominal Sonography Step 2: Mock exam CME credit: 15 hours Powerful, featuresome, and fun, this multimedia wonder simulates the exam experience right down to the automatic timer, and it delivers CME credit conveniently and inexpensively. > 574 questions and answers in registry format ensure that you are prepared. > 88 image-based cases sharpen your wits. > Simple explanations clarify answer choices. > References guide your further study. > Automatic timer paces you. > Performance analysis automatically scores and guides you. > Unlimited personal use means you pay only once. > Educational site licenses available for educators and DMS programs. > Earn 15 hours SDMS-approved CME credit.