Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering
Price 49.95 USD
If you need to understand how to measure software quality and how to use measurements to improve your software development, you will want to have a copy of this book. Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering provides the information and teaches the skills you need to measure and improve the quality of the entire software development process from high-level to low-level design, as well as all phases of reliability. Joining action plans with actual project experiences, this book focuses on using - not just describing - metrics. It provides detailed coverage of essential issues and techniques, including software metrics, software reliability models, and models and analysis of program complexity. Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering goes even further, discussing such topics as in-process metrics, defect removal effectiveness, customer satisfaction, and more. Numerous real-life examples, many taken from the author"s experience as the software quality focal point for IBM"s Baldrige Award-winning AS/400, show you how to put the theories and techniques to work. The book also contains examples from such major computer companies as Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, and the NASA Software Engineering Laboratory. This excellent balance of theory, techniques, and examples makes for a highly-instructive and practical book on one of the most important topics in software development. "I"ve devoted considerable space to Kan"s Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering because I believe it is an important book that bridges the worlds of industrial statistical process control and software engineering. The AS/400 software is a large, complex and very successful product for IBM. Kan provides insights into the methods IBM used to control the quality in this project which provide lessons that we would all do well to study." -Software Development "The concise and clear explanation of function point counting is a jewel. Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering If you are looking for just one book on metrics, this is a good choice." -The Northwest C++ Users Group newsletter 0201633396B04062001