Capitol Hell

Price 14.36 - 15.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781592985364

"America"s Hottest New Political Book" - CNN "Too good not to share." - The Hill "Devil Wears Prada Meets US Senate." - US News and World Report"This book is interesting!" - Jeff Probst Show, CBS "Wickedly funny...eye-opening...saucy novel about the crazy co-workers, high-maintenance politicians, and over-the-top entourages that can only be found inside the beltway...a taste of humor from Capitol Hill." - Yahoo! Finance "Capitol Hell" is worth a good laugh" - Roll Call "Readers will be particularly fascinated by the authors" antics and the senator"s peccadilloes." - Minneapolis Star Tribune "Hilarious and insightful." - Austin Daily Herald "Jones and Long write seamlessly, and ... incidents in the book are hilarious" - St. Paul Pioneer Press - "This off-beat and hilarious novel lets readers see behind the political person and into the life of a rising star in the U.S. Senate." - Northland"s News Center "Capitol Hell was a blast to read!" - Twin Cities Public Television: Almanac "America"s hot new political novel, "Capitol Hell," will get your vote this election season." - NBC Indiana WTHR "Addictive...a real page-turner. Who ARE these wacky characters? Obviously written by two women who know of what they speak." - KSOO Radio Sioux Falls "All the dirt from the Hill in Paperback" - KXAN Austin "This book is hilarious" - Daytime @ Nine, KABB San Antonio When recent college graduate Allison Amundson, a small town girl from South Dakota, lands the highly sought-after job of scheduler to the newly-elected and rising star of the United States Senate, Senator Anders McDermott III, she initially thinks she is on the fast track to success. However, she quickly learns that crazy co-workers, a high maintenance boss, the boss"s over-the-top demanding family, and an unexpected Presidential bid make Capitol Hill seem even more dysfunctional than it looks on TV. In fact, it is Capitol Hell. This off-beat, hilarious novel captures what it is like to work in the United States Senate. Find out how it feels to be a hot young staffer on Capitol Hill when you step into Allison"s hot pink high heels, and catch a glimpse of what life is really like "inside the beltway."