Rehabilitation Sourcebook: Basic Consumer Health Information About Rehabilitation for People Recovering from Heart Surgery, Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke, ... Impairments, a (Health Reference Series)

Price 8.85 - 87.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780780802360

No one anticipates the need for physical rehabilitation services. It is an area with which most people are unfamiliar, filled with new terminology, anxiety, and uncertainty about the future. There are 38 million Americans with a total of 61 million disabling conditions, including injuries and impairments that contribute to a person"s being limited in social or other activities. Rehabilitation Sourcebook contains information about the most common conditions requiring rehabilitation and the different types of rehabilitation services available to treat those conditions. It provides helpful information about choosing the right rehabilitation program and offers tips on choosing assistive equipment to help in recovery and adaptation to daily living. The book also includes a glossary of related terms and a list of resources for further help and information.