Distant Feathers

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 46442858083, 9780395858080

When a huge bird from another planet suddenly turns up on Sedrick"s roof, he isn"t sure what to do with him. It turns out that all Feathers wants is bread, any kind of bread - sesame, wheat, sourdough, pumpernickel - but it takes everyone in town baking all day to provide enough to feed the monstrous bird. They try to get Feathers to earn his keep by lending a hand - or beak, as it were. But he"s so large and klutzy that his help usually creates even more problems. Keeping Feathers in bread and out of trouble is starting to be too much for the little town. But when Feathers is swept away by a hurricane, the townspeople, especially Sedrick, mourn his loss. Feathers eventually returns to the town, where he remains, entertaining the folk with stories about his native planet - Earth.