Barr & Stroud DUMMIES Bird Watching Binocular Kit
Price 77.94 - 158.35 USD
Barr & Stroud DUMMIES Bird Watching Binocular Kit Welcome to the Bird Watching Binocular Kit for Dummies. You can read all you want about the subject of bird watching, but the very best thing to do is to get outside and start doing just that. This kit is designed to get you started in the right direction. If you want to know the basics of bird watching, you"ve come to the right place - all you need to get started all in one box! Our kit contains "Bird Watching Basics for Dummies, written by Bill Thompson and adapted brilliantly for the UK market by Chrissie Edginton. The book is designed to get you started in the right direction, cutting through the jargon and dark arts, to give you a sense of fascination and pleasure that only birds of the feathered variety can bring into your life. Couple this with our fully featured Barr & Stroud Skyline binoculars, chosen for their suitability for the hobby, and you have all that you need to get you started. You can se in the accompanying technical spec section that these are serious bird watching binoculars, but don"t take our word for it, you only have to look through them to discover that for your self. This kit truly is the easy way to discover the world of birds - have fun!