Botvinnik Selected Games 1926-1946 (Russian) (Russian Edition)
Price 23.36 - 25.26 USD
M. M. Botvinnik - Selected Games Due to the interest of a wide range of players to be creative strongest chess player of the USSR, and later the first Soviet world champion Mikhail Botvinnik periodically came out of his best books, and commented on them in detail parties. The first edition was published in 1938 and covered the period of his performances from 1926 to 1937, the second edition - in 1949 and contained the 1926-46 period, the party"s. In subsequent years, the interest to the parties Botvinnik satisfied with the release of many collections of lots of international tournaments and championships of the USSR with the sixth world. In the years 1965-68 were published VD Baturinsky compiled three volumes - "Botvinnik"s chess creativity", which adequately represented by M. Botvinnik participated in national and international competitions 1924-67 period, and includes many of its articles of that period, various aspects of chess.