"More About This Business of Music, New Edition"
As the most complete and authoritative guide to the business side of the music industry, "This Business of Music" is an indispensable addition to the reference shelf. This highly readable text includes a wealth of information for anyone even remotely involved in the music industry, providing detailed examinations of the legal, practical, and procedural issues faced by the working musician. The book is organized in three major sections: Part 1 -- Recording Companies and Artists -- details the fine points of artist contracts, foreign record deals, independent record producers, record clubs, music video contractual standards, and exploitation rights, cover and liner notes, agents, managers, work permits for foreign artists, counterfeiting, piracy, bootlegging, payola, and trade practices.Part 2 -- Music Publishers and Writers -- covers the new copyright laws and their impact on the industry, joint copyrights, infringement of copyright, foreign publishing, songwriter contracts, arrangements and abridgements of music, public domain music, movie show, show music, loans to publishers, and commercial jingles.Part 3 -- General Music Industry Aspects -- discusses names and trademarks, protection of ideas and titles, contracts with minors, privacy and publicity rights, and taxation in the business.