Visual outcome after MSICS & Phacoemulsification surgery: Comparing macular OCT and best corrected Visual acuity

Over the years cataract surgery has undergone & is undergoing continuous refinements. In recent years, the evolution of the cataract operation has involved a progressive decrease in size of the incision for the extraction of the degenerated crystalline lens. The reduction of incision size has resulted in greater safety and rapidity of surgical procedure, with more rapid rehabilitation of the patient in the postoperative period.Quality Visual rehabilitation can be achieved by Small Incision cataract surgery(SICS) either Phacoemulsification (Phaco) or manual(MSICS) A huge backlog of cataract blindness exists in developing world.MSICS, when compared to Phaco surgery is relatively easy to learn and master, is inexpensive and is ideally suited for developing world where maximum backlog of cataract blindness exist. MSICS has comparable quality of visual restoration, intra-operative and post operative complication as Phaco surgery