Jung and Christianity in Dialogue: Faith, Feminism, and Hermeneutics (Jung and spirituality series)
_Jung and Christianity in Dialogue: Faith, Feminism, and Hermeneutics_ is a rich and diverse collection of writings, from some of the foremost authors in the fields of religion and psychology. This companion volume to _Carl Jung and Christian Spirituality_ explores the relationships between Jungian psychology and Christian traditions in new and illuminating ways. It includes some of the finest articles yet contributed to this dialogue, organized into four different sections: "Jung and Theology" discusses Jung and Christian faith; "Jung, Feminism, and Spirituality" presents feminist critques of Jungian psychology; "Jung and Hermeneutics" explores Jung"s interpretive approach to Christian scripture and theology; and "Jung and Pastoral Care" looks at the application of Jung"s psychology for the parish minister and pastoral counselor.