Wilhelm Busch: De La Caricature a La BD (French Edition)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9789058563132

In the summer of 2009 the Felicien Rops Museum in Namur presents an exhibition on the German painter and caricaturist Wilhelm Busch (1832-1908). This publication that accompanies the exhibition, does not only show the exhibited works, but at the same time is a unique reference work on this German artist. By means of historical documents, sketches and paintings this book does not only paint a picture of the life and works of this artist, but also enters at length into the history of the caricature, the role of photography in 19th century art, and the way in which they influenced the work of Busch. Much attention is also paid to the adventures of Max and Moritz, the first heroes of the modern comic. In these caricature drawings, Busch draws a bead on the 19th century culture and middle-class morality.