2014 The Women Anglers of Florida Sportsman Calendar
Price 10.00 USD
Women Anglers of Florida Sportsman 2014 Wall Calendar: THIS IS A 2014 CALENDARWomen Anglers of Florida Sportsman Wall Calendar: Don"t miss the 2014 Women Anglers of Florida Sportsman Calendar! This year"s calendar is hotter than ever. In addition to the monthly featured fishing ladies is a collection of the Women Anglers of Action Spotter, where we highlight some of the past year"s best catches. Let the ladies of Florida Sportsman help plan your next fishing trip. The calendar lists seasons for fish and shellfish species, as well as boat show dates. Plan your fishing trips around full or new moon phases, which keep the tides and fish on the move. Of course you"ll want to know when you have the day off to fish, so we marked the major holidays for you. ISBN: 1934622176 EAN: 9781934622179