As I Was Saying : A Chesterton Reader

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780802835970

Includes An introduction by the editor, Excerpts from Autobiography, Religious Poems, Chesterton and America, On Lying in Bed; Reason, Progress, Education; The Little Birds Who Won"t Sing; Excerpts from Orthodoxy; Marriage, Family, Woman; Humourous Poems; Relgion, Morality, Theology, Heresy; If I had Only One Sermon to Preach; The Father Brown Stories (4 selections); Excerpt from St. Thomas Aquinas; The Architect of Spears; Social and Political Poems; Society, History, Politics; Short Quotations; Sunsets. Rain, Cauliflower, etc.; Literature and Some of Its Creators; Humanity--An interlude; Christmas Poems; Chesterton for Today.