Hong Kong Public Law Reports: v.3 (Vol 3)
The entry into force of Hong Kong"s Bill of Rights on 8 June 1991, ushered in an important new stage of development in the Hong Kong legal system. In the first two years of its operation, the Bill of Rights has given rise to a significant amount of litigation, particularly in the area of criminal law and procedure. The Bill of Rights has resulted in many statutory provisions being declared repealed for inconsistency with the Bill of Rights, and has been relied on in applications for legal aid in criminal cases, for bail and to stay criminal proceedings on the ground of delay or other factors affecting the fairness of proceedings. The "Hong Kong Law Reports" series covers all significant case law development under the Bill of Rights, many of which are not reported elsewhere. This volume three, part one of the series is devoted to Bill of Rights cases decided in 1993, and also reports significant cases involving constitutional and administrative law issues, international law issues and other public law cases.