The Assassins: The Story of Medieval Islam\"s Secret Sect
Price 19.15 - 23.95 USD
The so-called "Assassins"—men who had no fear of death and were trained to kill—are one of the most spectacular legends of medieval history. Since the tales of Marco Polo and others, the myths surrounding them have been fantastically embellished and the truth has become ever more obscure. Bartlett"s popular history deftly traces the origins of the sect out of the schisms within the early Islamic religion and examines the impact of Hasan-i-Sabbah, its founder, and Sinan—the legendary "Old Man of the Mountain." Following the group over the next two centuries, this book includes its clash with the crusaders, its near destruction at the hands of the Mongols, and its subsequent history. Finally, we discover how the myths surrounding the Assassins have developed over time, and why indeed they continue to have such an impact on the popular imagination.