A Bibliography of the English Colonial Treaties With the American Indians, Including a Synopsis of Each Treaty

Price 50.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781584771630

DePuy, Henry F. A Bibliography of the English Colonial Treaties with the American Indians. New York: The Lenox Club, 1917. [108] pp. Reprinted 2001 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. ISBN 1-58477-163-1. Cloth. $50. Many of the records of the various treaties with the Indians exist only in manuscript. This bibliography locates and describes fifty treaties that were separately printed in small print quantities and thus are exceedingly rare. For each treaty De Puy provides full collation, a brief synopsis of the contents, an illustration, and the location of copies in principal libraries and private collections. See Besterman, A World Bibliography of Bibliographies 352.