Considerations on the Question Now in Litigation Between Commodore Johnstone and Captain Sutton; In the Form of an Address, &c
Price 14.03 - 14.14 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1787*. Excerpt: ... TO THE OFFICERS of the NAVY. GENTLEMEN, IAddress you as brother Officers on the question now in litigation between the Captains Suiton and Johnstone, which, so sar as it respects naval discipline, may be very interesting to us all. I have, with you, Gentlemen, a common interest in this point; but I have also a particular one, which, perhaps, will best apologize for my so zealoufly pressing forward on this occasion, beyond those of longer services and greater name.--I have long lived with Captain Sutton in the closest friendship, and confidently believe him not only to be a good and honourable man, but, what is more to my present purpose, the most injured officer in the navy. The The two Lords, Mansfield and Loughborough, have delivered an opinion, now printed, and, as I am told, by their Lordships" authority; which opinion I stiall transcribe, and freely consider, as well as I am able, in all its parts. But you, may think that I am trespassing on sacred ground, and violating with profane hands the sacred mysteries of the law. But it is not so--I am well advised of that--Questions in process to be heard before a jury should not, I am indeed told, be, in print, popularly dis cussed. But we have long since passed this dangerous stio.aj, and are now floating, it seems, to the final resort on tjie full tide of intellect and law? From the erroneous opinions, as Capt. Sutton is; advised to call them, of two chief Justices, he has appealed to the Lords; they are not open, it is to be hoped, to any undue influences of the press. There is a time, I trust, for discussion! as well as for forbearance, and I am confident to the, utmost, that the Lords, generous andj liberal as they are, will gladly listen to truth and reason from anv quarter, however unexpected or obs...