Reversing Heart Disease and Preventing Diabetes: Apply Science to Lower Cholesterol 100 Points; Reduce Arterial Plaque 50% in 25 months; and Improve Heart Rhythm and Valves

Price 26.37 - 32.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780982848548

Stand up to heart disease and win like I did! Yes, I have proved that heart artery plaque can be removed. I have reversed my heart disease. My cardiologist performed an angiogram in 2009 and informed me that the two small areas of arterial plaque he saw in 2007 had been reduced to half the original size in only 25 months. The diet, supplement, and drug regimen I present in Chapter 4 lowered my LDL cholesterol level 100 points, which is necessary to reverse coronary artery disease. High HDL cholesterol is also necessary to reverse heart disease. This is one of the most important scientific facts for you to know in order to achieve optimal health. Without increasing HDL cholesterol, you cannot reverse heart disease. My regimen worked like a miracle to increase my HDL cholesterol from 57 to 66, or 16%. It"s amazing. My LDL cholesterol was reduced 100 points to 68. Low LDL cholesterol reduces the work that HDL cholesterol must do to clean the arteries. This makes the HDL more productive and efficient. The LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio is one of the most important blood chemistry measurements for determining coronary artery disease risk, and my awesome reading was only 1.03. Insulin is the number one contributing factor to coronary artery disease because it promotes the formation of plaque in the arteries of the heart. It also produces plaque formation in other arteries of the body and leads to peripheral artery disease, stroke, and kidney disease. Insulin causes cardiovascular disease because it forces LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, calcium, heavy metals, glucose, and free radicals to bind to the arteries throughout the body. My scientific research proves that excess glucose consumption and high insulin cause Type 2 diabetes mellitus, and statistics have shown that 65% of diabetics will die from heart disease. I anticipate that my scientific approach to controlling glucose and insulin will prevent Type 2 diabetes 100% of the time and reduce symptoms in those who have already been diagnosed. Elevated triglycerides are a primary risk factor for heart disease. My regime reduced my triglycerides to 71 quickly and dramatically. The ratio of triglycerides (TR) to HDL cholesterol (TG/HDL) is one of the best indicators for heart disease risk. Triglycerides should be below 100 mg/dL, and HDL cholesterol should be above 50 mg/dL, for a ratio of 2.00. Improving the TG/HDL ratio will substantially reduce the heart disease risk. Some people are walking time bombs with a ratio of 6.00 or greater, and a ratio of 4.00 is very common. The ratio on my blood test was (71/68) = 1.04. My regimen has been shown to remove atherosclerotic lesions and calcification throughout the body with virtually no risks and very few side effects. Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN): 2011943818