The Guianas map (Guyana/ Surinam/French Guiana) (Travel Reference Map)
Price 8.95 USD
Map of Guyana, Surinam, and French Guiana with portions of Brazil and Venezuela. Elevations shown by color changes and numbers on map. Legend locates international and district boundaries; legal border crossing points; settlements from major cities to villages; roads from primary roads to cart tracks/trails; railways; bus stations; car rental; ferry routes; airports; Indian reserves; tourist information centers; embassies; public overseas telephones; medical facilities; banks; post offices; gas stations; mines; oil derricks; dams, canals, and other hydrography; camping/accommodations; parks and nature preserves; fishing; hiking; colleges/universities; museums; historic sites; other points of interest. Facts and figures in brief for each country; historic background and practical information; descriptions and photos of highlights. Scale 1:1,200,000. Printed on one side.