The Best Blackjack Book Ever!!

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780984303519

The Best Blackjack Book Ever!! is aptly named. There are no others which even approach it.This Book strikes at the heart of truly knowing the Game of Blackjack and WINNING at the Game.This is the Major Leagues. You will Quickly! Quickly! become a Blackjack Card Counter and you will be entertained while learning. A Nice Combination!The Author, an Advanced (+) Blackjack Card Counter, gives the Casual Player very simple specific instructions which result in that Player achieving a high percentage of the Win of a prolific Advanced Card Counter (and without the pain).Very importantly, you will also learn to avoid the Pitfalls of the Game, including avoiding the most grossly inaccurate advice offered by "experts."Gerald Lynam holds BS and MBA Degrees from Nice Places and is a Certified Public Accountant (Inactive). He is a former Officer in the United States Marine Corps, was a Senior Corporate Officer (Operations) for an S&P500 Company and is a Member of various High IQ Societies. He lives in Arizona.Two (2) Blackjack Basic Strategy Cards included with every Book ordered.