Protection --- The Sealed Book

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780934422086

Brand Mead Pub. Co

Originally published in 1909, this gambling monograph by Joseph E. Meyer details the various shady practices used by the "sharpers" of that era. With sections on the early slot machines, sleight-of-hand card tricks and crooked gambling devices, rigged roulette wheels, counterfeit money and loaded dice, the book was an early effort (and an excellent one) to reveal to the public the ingenious tricks, schemes and apparatus used by gamblers and get-rich-quick fakirs. It is still considered the classic book of gambling scams of all times. This classic 10th edition has been re-typeset, and the original artwork has been enhanced. Editing has been limited only to modernize practices of punctuation, spelling, capitalization and to reference the 214 illustrations. The book"s charm has been retained by using period typefaces. The result can only be described as a "classic" classic, faithful to the original in tone and style, but with the improvements that current linguistics and modern technology afford today"s publisher. An added Table of Contents (over 270 entries!), General Index, Index of Illustrations and Glossary make Protection an important reference work. Protection - The Sealed Book measures 5.5" x 8.5" and features a gold-foil stamped, enhanced facsimile of the original black bookbinder"s cloth cover.