Solar Shower (Solar Heated Outdoor Shower)

Enjoy the comfort and convenience of rinsing off outside with this Solar Heated Outdoor Shower using the suns energy.The Solar Shower kit warms the water to a comfortable 86-degrees Fahrenheit. This Solar Shower is perfect for rinsing off chlorine, sunscreen, dirt or sand and attaches easily to any garden hose for convenience and mobility. The Solar Shower base acts as a greenhouse to heat water. Sunlight penetrates the Solar Showers transparent lid and trapped solar radiation heats the water as it courses through the internal collection tube. This Solar Shower produces 16 gallons of warm water after just two hours of sunlight exposure with the potential to have up to eight consecutive showers. The dial on Solar Shower pole combines cool water with heated water, allowing temperature to be easily adjusted. The Solar Shower assembles in minutes, sets up anywhere, is lightweight and portable plus, the Solar Showers height allows tall bathers to wash without stooping. The Solar Shower head delivers 9 psi, ample pressure for rinsing off even the most stubborn dirt. This Solar Shower is a must have for your garden or pool side and does NOT require permanent installation.