The Lighthouse Keeper"s Wife

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780891010982

In a genuine and remarkably captivating voice, Connie Scovill Small (1901-2005) writes about her twenty-eight years of lighthouse living and service along the Maine and New Hampshire coasts with her husband, Elson. While her autobiography is a compelling narrative about a life of "people risking their own lives to help men and ships: a life of order and duty," it also inspires and encourages us to "look up and never down" in our shared search for a meaningful existence in the inevitable isolation and uncertainty of living.This revised and augmented edition of The Lighthouse Keeper"s Wife presents Connie"s text with additional photographs from the author"s collection. The text has been revised to make necessary corrections, and the format and binding have been greatly improved. The book also includes an interpretive essay by historian Andrea C. Hawkes, who examines Connie Small"s life story as an important source for understanding New England history and the study of women, and places it within a tradition of American women"s autobiography. Connie"s book, written when the author was in her mid-eighties, has been one of the most popular University of Maine Press books. Now it is available in an edition that will facilitate the multifaceted reading it richly deserves.