Analysis of Machine Elements using COSMOSWorks Professional 2006

Price 63.04 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781585033249

This text is written primarily for first-time COSMOSWorks users who wish to understand finite element analysis capabilities applicable to stress analysis of mechanical elements. The focus of examples is on problems commonly found in an introductory, undergraduate, Design of Machine Elements or similarly named courses. Each chapter of this text begins with a list of Learning Objectives related to specific capabilities of the COSMOSWorks program introduced in that chapter. Most software capabilities are repeated in subsequent examples so that users become familiar with their purpose and are capable of using them in future problems. Many examples are accompanied by problem solutions based on use of classical equations for stress determination. Unlike many step-by-step user guides that only list a succession of steps, which followed correctly lead to successful solution of a problem, this text attempts to provide insight into why each step is performed. Table of Contents Preface Introduction 1. Basic Stress Analysis Using 2. COSMOSWorks 3. Curved Beam Analysis 4. Stress Concentration Analysis 5. Thin and Thick Wall Pressure Vessels 6. Interference Fit Analysis 7. Contact Analysis in a Trunion Mount 8. Bolted Joint Study