Memoirs Of The Verney Family : Vol. III. Compiled From The Letters And Illustrated By The Portraits At Claydon House

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MEMOIRS OF THE VEPLSEY FAMILY VOL. 111. - DGRIKG THE CIYIL WAR. onlpilai froul the Letters and Illustrated by the Portrritr 1 at Clajxlou IIouee, Bucks. I By FRAKcEs PAnTHExoPE v IrsE-. i With a Preface by S. R. GARI, IKE R R I , .-BIEMOLRS OF TKE VFRNEY PADf11, Y DURING THE COMMONWEALTH 1650 TO 1660 COIIPILED FRO31 THE LETTERS AND ILLUSTRATED BY THE PORTRAITS AT CLAQDON HOUSE - VOL. 111 - 1894 - PREFACE T II. 1 1 1 t 1 e ri ils for contii ui g l t he 17erncy JIeinoir s ire only too abundant, an, rhuring the latter half of tlie seventeenth centtug-, the letters increase in length nlicl in nu nbera. l heroic age of the Civil I,-ar is over. No later Tcrncy plays such a part in Court 2nd camp as Sir 1Silmnnd Irerney the Standard-bearer, or woman clai lls our love an 1 reverence as did that incomparable person Dame JInry. But the interest of the story 11 rs cllanged rather than dimi iislied we have e v riet-of cll ti nclter nn 1 the incidents are n-ire11 wit11 gre ltcr fi l lcs o s f detail. In itte npting b to continne Lady I7erneys work I hxrc lgain to nckno vlcdgc the inv ll unblt help given lrlc by the Hon. Mrs. Sotlleby and thc Hon. C tllerine Spri g-Rice, by i r. S. R. Gardiner, tlie c-. T, 1. J. Iienyoll Ston-, an l other liintl friends ancl corresyonrlent S. To tllvsc readers. . i lcricnir IS vcll a s E i g l i J . v-ho 11 lve testified their iiltereht ill thc fbrtner p lrt of the story, and their n-ihli to lino r lnore of Sir 1i ilpIl lVerneys fortunes, tllc present volu tuc is comnritte 1 in the I-orrls of one of Sir 1tnll lla letters to their old frienrl I d S y u sses -littth, 14th August, 16-10. Hee that 11 tll ileitller ne-es nor businessc ancl yet ventures to JVrite, had need bec very confitlellt ot his owne illvention or of the iiieucl lice writes to. All pretences to the fir., t, I ll i. c goocl reason to clisclaime, but for the second I cannot he l cbrsr ade tlo cl limt y interest there. . . . I non prcslliile to trou blc you with these lines to let you knon-, therc is none more arilbitious to receive your commands, 01-readier to obey them, than yonr most fi ithf an dl hntr hle 9 servant . . . CONTENTS PAGE II EACF . Y LIST OF THE ILLUSTI. TI . O SS . . xii Slr Ralphs loneliness his cllildren ailcl his ii-icnds-Mr. JYillia n Gee-Mr. T h o i a Cs ordell--311.. D11 Val-State of parties in Englnncl in 1650-Sir I-Ienry Yewton-3Iistrcss . Jnne Pnckering--English exiles at Blois-Dean Cosin nt Inris-Sir liicliard ancl Lady Ijro vne-Dalne RIargaret Herbert ant1 her rl iniature-Petitot and the ellalllel workers at Blois--Death of Sir Charles Gawdy-Debts and clifTicnlties-Sir Ralpli considers vlietl er to sell Claydon , 1 SIJi I. l, TH OX 1IIS T l t . l ELS. Sir Ilalpl i c r i t I a ri5 tiitl , tarty fill-a loll tol r L i t o f Ills clothes-I itlic ltj of tnkiilq L ljil lc il lto Italy 3r rl t cllior, I, o ls-I ii rtlsliips of S i i s str a-elliilg ll e 1 ttle o f -or cebtcr-L lorcncc, Iloll e-Mr. Corclell n11 1 11ib colllprtn Venice treacle-Dr. JIorlev itlit1 Dr. Creigl ton JIr. J ohcrt S p e n c eL u n lon lor1, qinge and a foot-hoy - Ert sselsw cie - t-Sir R a l l l lre t urn - 111.. Gee 111arringc , 21 viii TTERSEY FAMILY DURISG TIIE COlIIiONnEAI, TH CHAPTER 111. CONCERNIKG CHILDREN AND THEIR BREEDING. 1650-1654...